Collected works of author, labor educator, and union organizer Kevin Van Meter.

Article: Van Meter, Kevin. "What is Space?."
Article: Van Meter, Kevin. “Union Organizing and Support Staff Are Workers With Their Own Set of Challenges.”
Book: Van Meter, Kevin. Reading Struggles: Autonomist Marxism from Detroit to Turin and Back Again. Oakland: AK Press.
Book Collection: Lydersen, Kari, Robert Ovetz, Chris Sturr, Kevin Van Meter, and the Dollars & Sense Collective, eds. Real World Labor, Fourth Edition. Boston: Dollars & Sense.
Edited Volume: Van Meter, Kevin. American Worker: International History, Reception, and Responses.
New Article: Van Meter, Kevin. “Searching for The American Worker,” New Politics Magazine, Print Edition, 75 (Summer 2023); Online Edition, forthcoming.
New Op-Ed: Van Meter, Kevin, "Representing difficult members," Op-Ed in The Chief Leader: A Voice for Workers, Online Edition, 25 April (2023); Print Edition, 28 April (2023
New Op-Ed: Overtz, Robert and Kevin Van Meter, "Advice to new labor organizers," Op-Ed in The Chief Leader: A Voice for Workers, Online Edition, 5 April (2023); Print Edition, 7 April (2023).
Article: Overtz, Robert and Kevin Van Meter, “Management Rights, Workers Wronged,” Dollars & Sense Magazine (March / April 2023).
Op-Ed: Overtz, Robert and Kevin Van Meter, “It’s time to fight management rights,” Op-Ed in The Chief Leader: A Voice for Workers, Online Edition, 25 January (2023); Print Edition, 27 January (2023).
Article: Van Meter, Kevin. “Viewpoint: Burgerville Workers’ Lessons for Independent Unions,” Labor Notes, Online Edition, 25 January (2023); Print Edition, February (2023).

Van Meter, Kevin. “We Should Demand Democratic Workplaces, But What Does That Mean?,” New Politics, Online Edition, 26 December (2022).
Van Meter, Kevin. “Antifascism, Historically And In The Present—An Interview With Shane Burley," New Politics, Online Edition, 14 December (2022).
Van Meter, Kevin. “Union Organizing at ‘Progressive’ Companies Comes With Its Own Set of Challenges,” Truthout, Online Edition, 24 August (2022).
Van Meter, Kevin. “Anti-Fascism Is Not Simply a Moral Objection—It Is a Practical One, Interview with Shane Burley,” Truthout, Online Edition, 14 May (2021).

Van Meter, Kevin. “How the Poor Continue to Die,” Perspectives on Anarchist Theory, 17 September (2020).
Van Meter, Kevin. “Opinion: Money for golden parachutes, not students’ needs, show Portland State’s priorities,” The Oregonian /, 13 June (2019).
Van Meter, Kevin. Guerrillas of Desire: Notes on Everyday Resistance and Organizing to Make a Revolution Possible. Oakland: AK Press, 2017.
Van Meter, Kevin. “The Meaning of ‘1984’ and ‘Brave New World’ in These Trumpian Times,” Speakout | Truthout, Online Edition, 15 February (2017).
Van Meter, Kevin. “Insurgent Islands: A Continuing Conversation on Anarchism with Principles,” Perspectives on Anarchist Theory, Online Edition, 9 November (2015).
Van Meter, Kevin. “Freely Disassociating: Three Stories on Contemporary Radical Movements,” Perspectives on Anarchist Theory, Online Edition, 8 June (2015).
Van Meter, Kevin. “Refusing the Planetary Work Machine,” Perspectives on Anarchist Theory, 27 (2014).
Larson, Stevie and Kevin Van Meter. “Black Flags and Radical Relief Efforts in New Orleans: An Interview with scott crow.” In Black Flags and Windmills: Hope, Anarchy, and the Common Ground Collective, second edition, scott crow. Oakland: PM Press, 2014; Originally in Left Eye on Books, November (2011).
Van Meter, Kevin. “A Curious Moment: Long Island Radicals Confront the Green Scare.” In Life During War Time: Resisting Counterinsurgency, Kristian Williams, Lara Messersmith-Glavin, and William Munger, eds. Oakland: AK Press, 2013.
Hughes, Craig, Stevie Larson, and Kevin Van Meter (Team Colors Collective). “Messy hearts made of thunder: Occupy, Struggle, and Radical Community Organizing.” In We Are Many: Reflections on Movement Strategy from Occupation to Liberation, Kate Khatib, et. al. eds. Oakland: AK Press, 2012.
Van Meter, Kevin. “To Care is to Struggle,” Perspectives on Anarchist Theory, 26 (2012).
Holtzman, Benjamin and Kevin Van Meter. “Furthering Transformative Justice, Building Health Movements: An interview with Philly Stands Up,” Organizing Upgrade, October (2012).
Holtzman, Benjamin and Kevin Van Meter. “Minding Your Scope, Building Healthy Movements: An Interview with the Rosehip Medic Collective,” Organizing Upgrade, November (2011).
Holtzman, Benjamin and Kevin Van Meter “Building Healthy Communities, Building Healthy Movements: An Interview with the Rock Dove Collective,” Organizing Upgrade, February (2011).
Hughes, Craig, Stevie Larson, and Kevin Van Meter (Team Colors Collective). “Lions After Slumber” Occupy Anarchy!. Munster, Germany: Edition Assemblage, 2012; Originally in @Anarchy and Occupy, 1 (2011).
Hughes, Craig, Stevie Larson, and Kevin Van Meter (as Team Colors Collective). Wind(s) from Below: Radical Community Organizing to Make a Revolution Possible. Portland, OR: Eberhardt Press and Team Colors, 2010; UK Edition: Brighton, UK: Natterjack Press, 2011. (Out of Print)

Hughes, Craig, Stevie Larson, and Kevin Van Meter, eds. (Team Colors Collective). Uses of a Whirlwind: Movement, Movements and Current Political Composition in the United States. Oakland, CA: AK Press, 2010.
Hughes, Craig, Stevie Larson, and Kevin Van Meter (Team Colors Collective). “High Entropy Workers Unite!” In Toward the Last Jubilee: Midnight Notes at Thirty, Craig Hughes, ed. Brooklyn, Autonomedia and Washington, DC: Perry Editions, 2010.
Hughes, Craig, Stevie Larson, and Kevin Van Meter (Team Colors Collective). “Abandoning the Chorus: Checking Ourselves a Decade Since Seattle,” Groundswell Journal, 1 (2010).
Hughes, Craig, Stevie Larson, and Kevin Van Meter (Team Colors Collective). “To Show the Fire and the Tenderness: Self-Reproducing Movements and Struggle In, Around, And Against the Current Crisis in the United States,” Indypendent Reader, Summer (2009).
Hughes, Craig, Stevie Larson, and Kevin Van Meter (Team Colors Collective). “Of Whirlwinds and Wind Chimes: Movement Building and Militant Research in the United States,” Commoner: A Web Journal for Other Values, February (2008); German Edition: Arranca!, 36 (2009).
Van Meter, Kevin. “Special Low Frequency Version,” Sounds of the War on the Poor, Ultra Red, eds. (2009); Text and Field Recording.
Hughes, Craig, Stevie Larson, and Kevin Van Meter, eds. (Team Colors Collective). In the Middle of a Whirlwind: 2008 Convention Protests, Movement and Movements. Los Angles: The Journal of Aesthetics and Protest Press, 2008.
Holtzman, Benjamin, Craig Hughes, and Kevin Van Meter “DIY and the Movement Beyond Capitalism,” Constituent Imagination: Militant Investigations // Collective Theorization, David Graeber and Stevphen Shukaitis, with Erika Biddle, eds. Oakland, CA: AK Press, 2007; Originally published in Radical Society, 30, 1 (2004), April; Lithuanian Edition: Juddrastis, 1 (2008).