A new edition of Real World Labor is out now with Dollars & Sense magazine and Kevin Van Meter is proud to be one of the editors!
With contributions from leading writers and scholars of the labor movement, this essential anthology introduces students and workers to current labor struggles and the challenges of forming a robust labor movement within a capitalist system. This edition also explains the role of unions and how to organize one, as well as what workers are fighting for and visions for the future.
As Kevin Van Meter, one of the editors of this book, notes in this edition’s introduction (“How to Use This Book,” available online here), “[t]hroughout this volume, you will find materials to help workers and students develop economic literacy and critical thinking, discover ways to organize, and envision the future. The book’s approach is an ecumenical one, based in real-world economics, and grounded in the mission to provide economic news and analysis to union members and workers in the United States and across the planet.”