How Can First-Person Narratives of Work and Workers’ Inquiry Aid Organizing?
Join us Friday, June 21st from 6:00-8:00PM in Rochester, NY for a workshop on workers' inquiry. Free and all are welcome.
First-person narratives and workers’ inquiries are strategic interventions to grasp power in the workplace, informal work groups and divisions within the workforce, forms of mutual aid and informal organization, “organic” leadership, and can aid organizing efforts. In this workshop participants will learn about various strategies and tactics for developing, implementing, and circulating first-person narratives of work and worker’s inquiries grounded in historical and contemporary examples; partake in large group reading and listening exercises; craft a sample plan to use first-person narratives and workers’ inquiry in a organizing context; and create, as part of small groups, either a short narrative based on a participants experience or a sample workers’ inquiry.